If you want to register name (domain) in Internet, you should keeping an area (domain) in Internet. For this purpose you should pay for this name (domain) on recorder, who hold point-blank for respective area. When you register own domain you can keep the name (domain), which want for your site or E-mail address. For example, after that you register domain YourName.com, you get possibility to have address of page www.YourName.com and E-mail address PersonName@YourName.com you should register domain to the your name.
Only you will be its owner and you will manage him. You will have password from the control panel for management and in case you want choose another hosting provider, you will make this at any time.
The Domain is unique name in Internet. It is something like www.YourName.com.
The organization ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers), which governs and controls addresses in Internet, permanent increases domains in Internet.
The domains are divided in three large direction: national domains, polylinguals domains and domains for universally usage. National domains (country code Top Level Domains - ccTLDs) are consist from two letters and they are distribute from international organization IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), which distribute and save all domains. The international standard is ISO 3166-1. In this moment there are 243 national domains published from IANA on this internet address: all national domains .BG is domain for Bulgaria, the recorder is Register.BG.
The register procedure for polylingual domain on bulgarian language (address must be on the cyrillic) is little complicated. Thoroughly difficult for using on this domain is that DNS, Web and E-mail servers are adapted to work with domains, consists of only ASCII symbols [a-z, 0-9, -], without symbols from other alphabets (bulgarian, chinese, japanese, german...). Because of this in databases on server of these domains names not save in other language (bulgarian or language different from english), save in its ASCII equivalent. Transform of domain do by Row-based ASCII Compatible Encoding, called RACE. Choice of encoding is not final and in the future can be choice other mode encoding - still testing endcoding BRACE (Bi-mode Row-based ASCII-Compatible Encoding) ann LACE (Length-based ASCII Compatible Encoding), but now RACE is the best choice.
In 1984 year are created seven domain (generic TLD or gTLD) for generally usage:
In 2001 year are created new TLD domains:
What is need, to begin work one domain name?
Necessary WEB server, which displays your web page in query (web hosting) and E-mail server, which serving your e-mails boxes (e-mail hosting). In the first place you should register this domain.
The register process consist of a few things: In database for domains saved who is owner of the domain, who is person for contacts, for how many year is register the domain and company which is registerеd domain. In databases of DNS servers saved which DNS server controls domain. These servers are refreshed one time per 24 hours, the new domain can use on the next day after registration. When your want see your web page can write in every web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, Lynx ...) www.YourDomain.com and browser finds DNS server of your domain. It must finds its IP address. Every domain may register minimum for 1 (one) year and maximum for 10 (ten) years. The length of domain name is under 63 symbols. Permission symbols for names are:
The first and last symbol are digit or letter. Domain name must differently from exist domain names.
In every domain can exist unlimited sub-domains. You can have unlimited number of websites.
WHOIS is independent service, support of independent protocol in Internet. One WHOIS server supports database with name, e-mails, telephone numbers of registеred users. Access to databases is for free and it's accomplished with WHOIS client through WHOIS protocol. In the world have exist many WHOIS servers. If your internet provider don't supports WHOIS sever, you can check for free domain names here: WHOIS check for free domain name.
Information from www.AlpoBG.com